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Here is a list of some frequently asked questions. Please scroll down to see our answers to each question:


  1. Where can I obtain copies of your policies?

  2. What is the 15 hours government funding and when can my child claim it?

  3. What is FEET funding?

  4. Do you take children on the 15 hours Government funding (Early Years Free Entitlement) and FEET funding (Free Early Education for Two Year Olds)?

  5. Do I have to do anything for my child to claim the EYFE or FEET funding?

  6. What do you use the voluntary donations money for?

  7. Can I use EYFE or FEET funding to pay for your lunch club sessions?

  8. Does my child need to be toilet trained to attend Seedlings?

  9. What do I need to bring for my child each day?

  10. Do you have a uniform?

  11. Will my child have a settling in period?

  12. Are all your staff qualified?

  13. What staff-child ratios do you maintain?

  14. How do you handle children's behaviour at Seedlings?

  15. How do you monitor my child's development?

  16. How do you liaise with parents?

  17. Can my child play in the garden whenever they want to?

  18. Can my child have lunch at pre school?

  19. If my child is unwell can they still come to pre school?

  20. Can my child attend if they are taking medicine?

  21. Where can I park?



Where can I obtain copies of your policies?


If you would like a copy of any of our current policies, then please contact the office on 07525 731424 ot our manager on 07525 731426 and we can supply you with them.



What is the 15 hours government funding and when can my child claim it?


The 15 hours government funding (generally referred to as EYFE) allows all parents to claim up to 15 hours of childcare per week for free for 38 weeks of the year (term time). This is available to:


  • 2 year old children of working parents, who are eligible, from the beginning of the term following their 2nd birthday

  • ALL 3 year olds from the beginning of the term following their 3rd birthday


We offer 3 hour sessions so parents can claim up to 5 sessions per week to be covered by the EYFE funding. Parents can also choose to split their 15 hours across more than one childcare provider, for instance your child may attend Seedlings for 4 sessions each week which would use 12 hours of their funding and then they get picked up by a childminder who looks after them for 3 hours each week using the remainder of the 15 hours you are entitled to. For more information on EYFE funding please check the Surrey County Council website.


What is FEET funding?


FEET funding is for families on a low income and it entitles their children to have up to 15 hours of free childcare per wk for 38 weeks of the year. Children become eligible for FEET funding when they turn 2 yrs old. For more information on who qualifies and how to claim please click on the following link:


Do you take children on the 15 hours Government funding (Early Years Free Entitlement) and FEET funding (Free Early Education for Two Year Olds)?


Yes, we offer all of our sessions to children on EYFE, Working Parents of 2 year olds and FEET funding.


Do I have to do anything for my child to claim the EYFE or FEET funding?


To claim EYFE funding you will need to complete a Registration Form and a Declaration of Attendance Form. We will supply these to you to be completed and signed the term before your child can claim. Once you have signed and returned the forms to us we will then process the claim from then on and we receive payment directly from our local authority. We will also need to take a copy of your child's birth certificate.

To claim FEET funding you will need to fill out an application form and send this off to the FEET team (please follow above link for details). The FEET team will then confirm to you whether your child is eligible or not. If they are eligible then you just need to notify us of this and the date from which they are eligible and we can then process the claim from then onwards. We will also need you to complete a Registration and Declaration of Attendance form as well. We will also need to take a copy of your child's birth certificate.


What do you use the voluntary donations money for?


Any money we receive from voluntary donations is kept in a designated account and is used for purchasing special resources for the pre school that we would not otherwise be able to afford, for instance we are currently saving up for a new purpose built playhouse and an interactive table.  Parents will be told in the newsletters if we have used donation money for any purchases.


Can I use EYFE or FEET funding to pay for your lunch club sessions?


Yes - lunch club can be covered by the 15/30 hours Government Funding.


Does my child need to be toilet trained to attend Seedlings?


No, we are very happy for children to attend who are still in nappies and work with parents to provide continuity for their child when they are toilet training. Within the setting we generally encourage children who are toilet training to use the toilet rather than a potty but we do have a potty in case a child is anxious about using the toilet. We have two toilets that are child sized and also have a training seat as well.


What do I need to bring for my child each day?


We ask that parents bring the following items every day:​

  • Wellies, even in the summer as the weather can be so unpredictable and we allow the children to have free flow access to the outdoors

  • Warm coat for winter

  • Rain coat in the summer

  • Change of clothes, several if your child is toilet training, spare shoes can also be useful when your child first starts toilet training

  • Wipes and nappies if your child is not yet toilet trained

  • We supply  50+ sun cream for children who attend all day (if your child is allergic then please supply us with an alternative sun cream clearly labelled with your child's name). If your child is only attending for a 3 hour session then we ask parents to apply sun cream beforehand.

  • We provide sun hats for the children but you are welcome to bring your own as well.

  • Please ensure everything is labelled


Do you have a uniform?


Yes, we ask that children where a Seedlings T-shirt and Fleece and also use a Seedlings bag to put their things in. This is to ensure that your child can access crafts and messy play without the worry that they may get their nice clothes dirty. The bags we use because they are roomy to allow all the items to fit in easily but also provide easy access for the staff and children to get things in and out of them.


Will my child have a settling in period?


All children will have at least two settling in sessions. These will be short 30 minute sessions, the first one they will attend with a parent and the second one they will attend on their own. If your child has settled well then they will then start their full sessions. If your child is not yet settled then we will work out an individual settling in plan for your child based on their needs. This will be arranged between yourself and your child's key worker. We will always call a parent if their child is distressed when they are settling in and will discuss with their parent how they would like to go forwards.


Are all your staff qualified?


All of our staff hold the following qualifications (please note that any new staff members may not immediately hold these qualifications but will be put on the relevant training within their first 6 months):

  • First Aid

  • Safeguarding

  • Food Hygiene

In addition at least half of our staff are qualified to Level 2 or Level 3 in childcare with the remainder working towards those qualifications.

We also have some staff trained specifically for their role within the pre school to include: Special Educational Needs, Designated Safeguarding  Lead training, Management training, Health & Safety.


What staff-child ratios do you maintain?


We remain within the set Ofsted ratios at all times, however we generally always have at least one additional staff member to ensure the children receive the best possible care. The Ofsted required ratios are:

1 staff member : 5 children aged 2 yrs

1 staff member : 8 children aged 3-4yrs


How do you handle children's behaviour at Seedlings?


At Seedlings we work on the basis that children are little people and as such should be treated with the respect and consideration that we would show to any adults. We do not just say 'no' we ensure we come down to the child's level and explain about their behaviour, how it affects others etc and use it as a learning opportunity to help them understand for next time. We do not use a 'naughty step' or any form of disciplining that causes a child to be isolated in any way, including time out. We encourage kind and inclusive behaviour and the staff role model this at all times.


How do you monitor my child's development?


Each child will have a key worker (a staff member who is particularly responsible for a child). Their key worker will be responsible for supporting and monitoring your child's development while they are at Seedlings. We use the following methods:

  • Their key worker will monitor their development through continual observation and in the moment actions to help further your child's needs and development. Staff will also upload a few observations and/or actions per term to highlight how they have or will support your child's progress and development. The staff will be continually observing and progressing your child's development throughout the term, however they will not document every action taken. This is because it is incredibly time consuming and we feel it is better for the staff to be spending time with the children rather than documenting every action/step taken. Parents will be able to access their child's learning journey through our Nursery Management app, EYworks. 

  • Once a year you will also receive a profile report which is a simple document which gives you an idea about how your child is enjoying pre school, what they engage in, how they get on with the other children etc. Again this is not like a school report where they are graded on their ability, it is purely a way for us to help you know how they are enjoying and using their time with us.


How do you liaise with parents?


We fully support how important it is to have a good two-way communication with parents. To provide this we:

  • Operate an open door policy whereby parents come in with their children at drop off time and are always free to ask any questions they would like to

  • We use a nursery management system called EYworks which allows parents to send/receive messages; view our news feed and photos of what's going on at Seedlings; see news items/announcements; check information about upcoming events/term dates; access their child's learning journey and access invoicing.

  • Welcome emails and telephone calls from parents at any time

  • Encourage parents to request a parent consultation with their child's key worker. This will be arranged at a time that is convenient for both parent and key worker, this is instead of having a set Parent's Evening as it allows parents to choose a time that works for them rather than at a prescribed date and time set by us


Can my child play in the garden whenever they want to?


Yes, we operate a free-flow system whereby the children can go in and out as much as they choose to. The only times their outdoor play may be restricted would be if there was a thunderstorm, flooding or if it is extremely cold or extremely hot then we may encourage them to go inside to warm up for a bit or to spend a bit of time in the shade if they're looking hot etc.


Can my child have lunch at pre school?


Yes, if your  child is attending a morning session or staying all day then you can sign up your child to attend our lunch club. This a half hour session 12:00 - 12:30 and is charged at £3.50 per session. Parents provide their child's lunch - Please note lunch boxes are not refrigerated so we advise parents to be careful about the food they put in. 


If my child is unwell can they still come to pre school?


No, if your child has a diagnosed infectious illness, temperature or any sickness/diarrhea then we have set exclusion times. Please see our illness and infection policy which will advise as to the correct exclusion period.


Can my child attend if they are taking medicine?


This depends on the medicine. If a child has been prescribed a medication by a doctor and they are no longer infectious then they can attend the pre school and we will administer any necessary medication. All medicines must be in the original packaging with the official pharmacy instructions on the label or they must be accompanied by a letter from your GP detailing how the medicine should be administered. We cannot administer Calpol unless it has been prescribed by a doctor and it is not being used to treat a temperature. If your child has taken Calpol for a temperature on the day they are attending then they will not be allowed to attend until they are temperature free for 24 hours. We cannot administer any 'over the counter' or 'alternative' medicines that have not been prescribed by a doctor.


Where can I park?


There is a car park opposite the hall where you are free to park but please check on the waiting time limit. There is also parking in the road leading to the car park and in Robins Hood Road and Church Road which are a 3-4 minutes walk away. Please do not park on any yellow lines or the pavement, particularly directly outside the Memorial Hall.



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